Men’s Health Week 2020 is here! Are you participating?

Why not take the chance to improve your health and wellbeing or that of a family member.

What is the purpose of Mens Health Week? It was introduced “to raise awareness of preventable health problems; encourage the early detection and treatment of health conditions in men; and support men and boys to engage in healthier lifestyle choices / activities.”

This year’s slogan “Restoring the Balance” is inspired around the easing of Covid19 restrictions. Croí, an Irish based charity established to create awareness around Heart Disease and Stroke’s have urged all males to make a positive lifestyle change throughout the week. Stating, “Individuals across Ireland are trying to re-build their physical health, emotional resilience, relationships, jobs, finances, connections and routines…everyone is asked to be part of the solution.”

Some suggestions include, introducing a new hobby, connecting with an old friend, improving your diet, booking a check up with your GP etc.

Learn more about Men’s Health week by visiting the link below.

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